Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu has published the examination schedule for 4 years Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) 4th Year 2073.
The examination of 4 Years BBS 4th Year starts on 2073/12/20 and ends on 2074/01/05.Examination time has been set to 7 am to 10 am.
Given below complete exam routine of 4 Years BBS 4th Year 2073:
Date: 2073/12/20
Subjects: MGT-220 Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
Date: 2073/12/22
Subjects: MGT-221 Business Research Methods
Date: 2073/12/24
Subjects: ACC-250 Accounting for BankingFIN-250 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance MKT-250 Fundamentals of SellingMGT-250 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Date: 2073/12/28
Subjects: ACC-251 Accounting for Business FIN-251 Commercial Bank Management MKT-251 Customer Relationship Management MGT-251 International Business
Date: 2073/12/30
Subjects: ACC-252 Advanced Financial Accounting FIN-252 Foundations of Financial Institutions and Market MKT-252 Foreign Trade and Export Management in Nepal MGT-252 Management of Industrial Relations.
Date: 2074/01/03
Subjects: ACC-253 Advanced Auditing FIN-253 Fundamentals of Investment MKT-253 Fundamentals of Advertising MGT-253 Productivity Management.
Date: 2074/01/05
Subject: ACC-254 Budgeting and Controlling of Profit FIN-254 Insurance and Risk Management MKT-254 Fundamentals of Services Marketing MGT-254 Quality Management
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